Presentation of Sonic Blockchain and its upcoming Airdrop

In May 2024, the Fantom Foundation announced its desire to create a new blockchain: Sonic. This would replace Fantom (FTM) by offering a much more efficient blockchain. In addition, it includes native mechanics to support its definition ecosystem, still unheard of. Sonic now has nearly $ 700 million and intends to become a necessity in a crypto ecosystem. Let’s dive into the meanders of this new blockchain and its upcoming Airdrop.

Sonic: A new type of blockchain

As we just saw in the introduction, Sonic is a blockchain layer 1. It appeared after Fantom migration (FTM) to a redesigned and optimized ecosystem.

In practice, Sonic is characterized by its performance and its native integration of decentralized finances (Call).

After the announcement of his work in May 2024, the Fantom Foundation was deployed 200 million FTM to create a Sonic Labs Fund Innovative Fund. Its mission is to support the decentralized Fantom app on Sonic migration.

In the end and The first testnet was deployed in September 2024 And blockchain will be officially launched on December 5, 2024.

In parallel, the Fantom Foundation committed itself to migrate the old FTM token on the native Sonic token, S. FTM could therefore be replaced to 1 to 1 against the new token S.

Behind this project we find several well -known ecosystem names. So we found mainly Andre Cronje, who founded financial finances in 2020 and was the core of the development of Fantom. Now it occupies the CTO Place in Sonic Project.

Sonic presentation

Sonic is a blockchain who wants to be revolutionary at many levels. Its developers are based on past experiences of different L1 existing and offer and Effective, interoperable and where the defi is placed in the project core.

Strong blockchain

For the fantasy migration on sonic, developers wanted to create much faster blockchain. Fantom was able to treat about 30 transactions per second. Sonic ambitions are very different and focus on 10,000 transactions per second.

In addition, Sonic focuses on Quasi -Instant transaction finalization. So she reached a test and 720 ms recordless than a second.

Obviously the costs are extremely low, with Penny’s transaction fees.

In fact, Sonic Blockchain Evidence of a betting of a betWhere validators must participate in the network of at least 500,000 s.

Optimization in a mess

To achieve these results, Sonic Developers optimized each component of their blockchain.

On the one hand it is based on architecture DAG (direct acyclic grap). It is an alternative structure for traditional blockchains. Unlike blockchains that connect transactions in blocks that are connected in a chain, it records each transaction as a node An individual associated with several previous transactions. This allows process several transactions in parallelwithout waiting for the block to be fully verified.

Scheme of blockchain vs dag
Blockchain vs dag

The Sonic algorithm called on the Consensus side ABFT (asynchronous Byzantine tolerance of failures). Unlike traditional models, abft validators allow to work asynchronously, that is, without strict synchronization between them. Each node can verify the transaction independently which speed up And ensures the resistance of the network to failures.

On the one hand DAG allows Sonic to process 10,000 transactions per second. On the other hand ABFT allows you to achieve the purpose of transactions under the other.

In addition, he has a sonic Sonicevm Optimized Virtual Machinederived from the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM). One of the main differences is that it combines and performs operations in the form of “super instruction”. This reduces latency and increases the effectiveness of the treatment of intelligent contracts.

Add integration to this SHarding AA State data compressionAnd we get a cocktail that allows Sonic to achieve such performances.

Interoperability in the heart of the project

In parallel Sonic understood that interoperability is necessary in the current ecosystem crypto. In fact, with multiplication of layers and newer layers-2, it is essential that users can easily have the transport of the string of the string chain.

The developers created a native bridge called Sonic Gateway. It is a bridge that allows the transmission of ERC-20 tokens between Ethereum and Sonic. To date, more than ten ERC-20, including assets such as USDC, EURC or WETH, allow you to convert more than ten ERC-20.

FEE FEE (Feem): Native Motivation to Deffi

One of the main revolutions established Sonic is none other than the program FEE FEE (Feem).

This was born from a simple observation: decentralized applications seek to find long -term financing methods. Part of the DAPP must therefore hand over its operating costs of the user through costs or depend on the subsidy programs according to foundations.

On Sonic has developed a native approach to financing its ecosystem defi. The Sonical Feem (FeEM) program is a unique initiative that builds developers at the center of the Blockchain ecosystem.

This is inspired by models of web2 advertising income, such as those used by YouTube, Feem guarantees developers a direct reward based on the costs generated by their applications.

“The program reflects a model to share income from advertising found on web2 platforms, such as YouTube, which encourages the creator to publish content and obtain rewards according to the operation they generate. On Sonic, we apply this concept to a decentralized level to reward developers for the operation of users that bring to the network. »»

In practice, applications approved by FeEM to 90 % of generated transaction costs their operation. This allows developers to benefit from sustainable income without having to store additional costs or depend on external financing.

The publication announcing the program is estimated that if Sonic Network works on full capacity, 10,000 TPS could generate approximately $ 16 million per year Thanks to the Feem program.

Chain management

While most blockchains such as Ethereum or Solana have no management on the chain, Sonic has decided to allow The tokens holders take part in the protocol decisions.

Thus, users must store their tokens in stations to vote on network development.

“This allows you to vote on proposals that will probably affect different aspects of the network, such as protocol updates, token changes, and other important decisions. »»

However, this function is not yet active. And we have no information about the date of its activation, even if it is visible at the foundation.

Sonic: Airdrop in sight and a point campaign

Although his blockchain already has a speech, Sonic Foundation announced and Airdrop to come from 200 million tokens with. This is $ 101 million during the current course.

In practice, this takes place through a program that Sonic Blockchain users can accumulate in anticipation of Airdrop.

“The Sonic Points program is an incentive incentive framework designed to reward users and stimulate Sonic’s growth on Sonic. It will distribute ~ 200 million with users holding and deploying assets on a white list through different applications, defining Sonic, stimulating liquidity and strengthening the sound ecosystem. »»

In fact, there are two types of points:

  • Passive Points (PP) : obtained by holding certain eligible tokens on Sonic Blockchain;
  • Activity points (AP) : Obtained using certain assets on defication protocols Ecosystem Defi.

More than a dozen cryptocurrencies allow you to generate passive points. You can find a full list in the official program of the program.

In parallel, 140 decentralized applications generate active points. However, it is important to realize that only interactions involving tokens listed through passive points are eligible to obtain APS through a DAPPS partner.

So do not hesitate to explore the sound ecosystem to earn points and stand for a long time when AirDrop S.

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